
last two weekends: wrapup

i just got some pictures from simon strohmeier.
the last two weekends we spent in the ötz valley and in südtirol, running kühtrain and heiligkreuz gorges on the ötz as well as the passer gorge.
it was quite intimidating but a good experience. all of the guys i was running those rapids with made me feel safe as they really knew how to tackle the harder stuff.
i really love running whitewater in my sportster, this boat gives me the confidence i need.

guess i gotta do some more riverrunning. just too much fun and too little practice.
enough said, the pics will speak for themselves, thanx to simon...

1st try passer, too high, we hiked out.
pic simon strohmeier

daniel running kühtrain gorge
pic simon strohmeier

me running kühtrain. guess daniel didn´t
like that drop. pic simon strohmeier

perfect line. stöckel. heiligkreuz. pic simon

me on the same drop. pic simon

bootfahrer is online

hi everyone,

bootfahrer is on! this site is mainly about me, sven perschmann, and my friends´ boating experiences. i´ll try to update as often as i can, there will be videos, pictures and trip reports as well as some updates on my gear. of course this takes some time, and now the 2006 kayaking season is almost finished, so it will be hard to find stuff for the winter, but we´ll see.
i hope you´ll all enjoy this page and if you don´t just shut up and do it better.

later, sven

btw.: bootfahrer, though situated in germany and dealing mostly with german visitors and content is written in english, as i´m an student of the english language and got to practice my writing.